Tuesday, December 31, 2019

5 Career Mistakes You Might Not Know Youre Making

5 Career Mistakes You Might Not Know Yure Making5 Career Mistakes You Might Not Know Youre MakingThis article is from our friends at LearnVest, a leading site for personal finance.Whatever your chosen profession, we all have something in common Were trying to do the best we can in our careers.Of course we arent going to gossip about our boss, fail to meet our deadlines, or do anything else to jeopardize our jobs or careers- knowingly.Its that knowingly thats the problem. We can easily avoid the professional pitfalls we know, but what about the ones we dont? And even more important, could we be making major mistakes when we think were making the right move?To keep from falling into that trap, we asked career experts to shed light on the missteps we make without even realizing, whether at the office or in the trenches of a job hunt. Are you making these mistakes?1. Keeping Yourself OfflineKnowing that social media channels such as Twitter, facebook inc, and even LinkedIn are rife with opportunity for career-damaging blunders, its understandable that you might want to lay low, leave your profiles dormant, or even take yourself offline entirely.But thats the wrong move, according to Cheryl Palmer, certified career coach and owner of Call to Career. According to recent data, the majority of recruiters now scour online sources for additional information on candidates, says Palmer. Positive online information about you will improve your job prospects, since that is what recruiters will be looking for to determine who they call for an interview. She points out that since social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are some of the first results that show up on search engines, youll want to be represented- and represented well.Palmer says that just having the profiles isnt enough- you must have a dynamic presence. That means using these channels to promote yourself in a positive, professional way. Worked on a new ad campaign? Tweet it. Added to your photog raphy portfolio? Facebook it. Come across a fascinating industry article? Share it on LinkedIn. When recruiters or interviewers look you up, theyll find an engaging, productive individual.(And if managing multiple networks seems like too much, you can always automatically link your Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, so every post broadcasts to all three networks. Dont worry, we wont tell the recruiters.)2. Bonding With Co-WorkersYoure right Its always a good idea to attend work happy hours, volunteer days, and other forms of group bonding, because while these people are your colleagues, theyre also the people with whom you spend 40-plus hours a week.But bonding becomes problematic when you become very close to some co-workers- and not others. Its a mistake to align yourself with one person or one camp, cautions Marian Their, founder and CEO of coaching, training, and consulting firm Expanding Thought. While its tempting to align yourself with a strong person or group, in doing so, you separate yourself from everyone else. Then what happens when personnel changes occur, someone falls out of favor, or you need support from someone not in the chosen group?To keep from getting in too deep with some colleagues over others, Their advises people to take some simple steps to keep things friendly across the motherboard Go to lunch with a group of people, or different people each day sit next to people who arent your deskmates already at meetings mix up your routine a bit- stop by the kitchen or water cooler for a brief chat at different times of day, to run into different people.The higher up in the organization you go, reminds Their, the more important it is to be observant and prudent. Remember that while having allies is extremely important, so is having people who will challenge you.3. Championing Make-Ends-Meet JobsWe dont need to tell you that theres no shame in taking a gig unrelated to your ultimate career path (think waiting tables) to make ends meet while hunti ng for other opportunities, or to make a little extra money on the side. Plus, your scrappiness will show future employers that youre hardworking and ready to hustle, right? Not always.As a job hunter, you should be looking at yourself as a candidate through your potential employers eyes, advises Robert Meier, president of Job Market Experts. And to an employer, a side job is a distraction from your primary ort. A Fortune 500 company simply isnt going to appreciate your time as a night manager at 7-11.Instead of trying to bulk up temporary jobs by explaining how they taught you tenacity and reliability, Meier recommends minimizing such positions down to only a line on your resume- or eliminating them altogether while bulking up your more relevant past positions. The only time you should include a job like this on your resume is if it furthers your career objective, he says. For instance, a job on the sales floor in a clothing chain may be valuable if youre applying to be a buyer for J.Crew your time as a fitness instructor may be relevant if youre applying for an operations position at Under Armour.But if you spent six months scooping ice cream and are now applying for a completely unrelated corporate job in ad sales, Meier recommends eliminating your make-ends-meet job from your resume altogether. If your employment gap should come up in an interview, he says, explain that you were devoting your full attention to finding the right job in a difficult economy- an understandable excuse if its been 12 months or less.4. Relying on a Pros and Cons ListRaise your hand if youve ever made a pros and cons list about a potential job or project. Its the sensible move- youre laying out all the reasons you should and shouldnt take on a new venture in order to make an informed, rational decision.But informed and rational isnt all its cracked up to be. If you are getting a bad gut feeling about working for a certain boss or a pit in the stomach sensation about a dicey work e nvironment, or you are self-rationalizing over taking a major pay cut, you should never ignore the little voice in your ear warning you that something is wrong, explains Cheryl Rich Heisler, founder and president of career-consulting site Lawternatives.If youre getting a bad feeling about an opportunity that seems promising on the surface, says Heisler, its time to get more information. Dig deeper, and either reassure yourself that your impressions are wrong, or back away from the offer. This is true even for choosing your first career track- trust yourself. Thats not to say that a few nerves means you should bail on a second-round interview, but if you cant shake your anxiety and cant alleviate it with more information, it might be time to take a step back.If, says Heisler, after doing your research and networking, the career, industry, or job youre exploring doesnt feel right to you, reconsider. The happiest employees are working in areas they enjoy within industries they love.5. Being Perpetually AvailableChances are, your current employer values face time- that is, how much time youre in the office, working away at your desk. And when you arent face-to-face, youre accessible by phone, email, text, or carrier pigeon, whether its midnight, midnight on Saturday, or midnight on Saturday during your trip to Ibiza.When youre refusing to delegate responsibilities it shows that you arent a teacher or mentor, and certainly not a supervisor, which is criteria for promotion, says Bruce Hurwitz, executive recruiter and author of Success As Employee or Entrepreneur. And when you dont take vacation, he says, it can create an air of superiority- like you feel nothing can get done without you.People make the mistake of being too available because they dont know how to say no, says Hurwitz. They think the person they are rejecting will be mad at them, and it will affect their relationship. But, he adds, this isnt necessarily the case. If youre perpetually available and loo king to break the cycle, Hurwitz recommends starting with a conditional yes, where, upon hearing about a new assignment, you reply, Id be happy to. Just let me get this job done, and if you totenstill need my help, Im there for you.Of course, no one is recommending you skip out on your work, and its likely that there will be occasions youll have to be available outside the office. But delegating tasks to be completed without your direct oversight, or even in your absence, is a skill every manager- or would-be manager- should have.More From LearnVest10 Signs Youre Suffering From Job Burnout8 Signs You Might Not Want to Take the Job6 Co-Workers Who Could Sabotage Your CareerPhoto of keyboard courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Develop Great Reporting Skills

How to Develop Great Reporting SkillsHow to Develop Great Reporting SkillsA good journalist needs to have great reporting skills. Since it takes time to develop great reporting skills, you should work on this area if youre trying to land a job as a reporter or magazine editor. Good reporting, whether youre doing it face-to-face or over the phone, is key to getting a story done well. And, since misquoting people can ruin your reputation, you need to make sure you do mora than just ask the right questions - you need to listen well and get the information down correctly. Here are some basic rules to remember in order to develop good reporting skills. Be Prepared Before Reporting While a reporter needs to be quick on their feet, as they might need to chase a story down quickly, you should always know your subject matter. If you have a scheduled interview with someone, do your homework. Know the parties background and sketch out the questions you want to ask. You need to go into the interview knowing what youd like to get out of it and, if you write out your questions ahead of time, youre more likely to stay on track. Be Prepared but Not Rigid While you always want to have a plan in mind before you do an interview, dont be unwilling to let an interview go off in another direction if its an interesting one. You never want to let someone youre interviewing ramble on about something pointless, but if the interviewee starts talking about something interesting, go with it. Recognize when someone is saying something interesting and react to that. When youre done with the interesting aside, you can always go back to the questions you prepared beforehand. Dont Be Afraid of Silences In general conversation, people have a tendency to want to fill moments of silence with conversation. In an interview, try to avoid that. Often, if you let seemingly awkward silences go, an interviewee will fill that void with more information. Ask for Clarification Early in your career, it may be easy to let this one slip not asking for clarification on something. Theres no reason to be shy and assume youll be able to figure it out later or feel afraid that by posing a question youll look unprofessional or ignorant. Theres no need to feel that way. If you dont understand something as soon as someone says it, chances are its confusing. And, chances are, your editor is going to ask what that confusing thing means. A reporter should always ask for further explanation. If somethings unclear, phrases like What do you mean by that? or Can you explain that further? often work. If someones using a lot of jargon, ask them to explain what theyre saying in laymens terms. In general, you dont want to end an interview confused. Make sure you understand what the partie said before you leave them or hang up the phone. Thebottom lineis that its a journalists job is to report whats happening. If youre unclear on something someone says to you, you wont be able to logically relay the story to the public. Ask Fast Talkers to Slow Down While some interviewers have the luxury of tape recording conversations, youll have to do quick news stories without recording. Therefore you need to be able to quickly type what people are saying, and some people can talk very fast. While most reporters use a shorthand basically anything they themselves can read make sure to ask people who are talking too fast to slow down. Also, if you miss something specific an interviewee said, feel free to interject and ask them to repeat it. Always Get Names Spelled Out Not every Jane Smith spells her name that way so, even if someone says a name thats recognizable, ask them to spell it out. It should be second nature to get every name of every person you talk to, and every person that person refers to, spelled out for you.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Einstein on the only productivity tip youll ever need to know

Einstein on the only productivity tip youll ever need to knowEinstein on the only productivity tip youll ever need to knowIn 1902, a young, depressed and solemn, 21-year-old, Albert Einstein, was on the verge of giving up on his dream of becoming a physicist.Six years prior, Einstein had enrolled in a Mathematics and Physics teaching diploma at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, Switzerland where he frequently skipped classes and spent his spare time wooing girls, whilst playing his violin at ladies luncheons and cocktail parties.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraAs a result of his devil-may-care attitude, Einsteins professors cast him aside as a lazy student destined for a mediocre career in Physics.And after graduating, Einstein couldnt get a job- in fact, he was passed over a job role as a lab assistant, and even contemplated selling insurance.After two frustrating years of job hunting, Einstein moved to Bryne, the capital of Switzerland, to work as a clerk in the Swiss patent office.Working six days a week as a patent clerk, Einstein could barely find any time to develop his scientific ideas, and would eventually give up on a career in Physics.Or would he?In March 1905, Einstein submitted a paper that challenged the general consensus that light was a wave, and instead proposed that it was a particle.Two months later in May 1905, Einstein submitted a second paper. This time he challenged widely held beliefs that atoms didnt exist, and provided proofs of their existence.But Einstein wasnt done yet.In June 1905, Einstein submitted a third paper- the granddaddy of them all.Einstein proposed the idea that time and space were the same, and formalized his thoughts as the special theory of relativity.Then, in September 1905, Einstein published a fourth paper as a follow-up to the previous one.He suggested that mass and energy were equivalent, and derived t he most famous equation in the history of mankind E=MC2.In the years to come, ansicht four papers- produced during Einsteins Miracle Year- would radically transform the way humans understand the world.And by the end of his career, Einstein would publish over 300 scientific papers, receive a Nobel Prize in Physics and firmly establish himself as one of the greatest physicists of all time.So, heres a puzzling questionHow is it possible that this failed scientist and unknown 26-year-old clerk destined for a mediocre life, could suddenly produce four groundbreaking papers within the span of a year, that would change the course of history?And whats the most important lesson on productivity and success, we can learn from Einstein?The cult of extreme productivityIf youre lonely when youre alone, youre in bad company.? Jean-Paul SartreWe live in a world that rewards busyness andthe idea of getting things done an addictive rat race to cross off as many things from your to-do list, as fast as possible.Because of this viral hype, we bury ourselves in busyness and attempt to achieve much mora than were capable of.Each day, we create unrealistic expectations torespond to every single schmelzglasin our inbox, spend quality time with our family and friends, exercise, read a book, sleep by 10 a.m. and so on.But, these superhuman attempts to get so much done and the constant bombardment of new productivity tips, hacks and gadgets, leads toprocrastination, stress, burnout and disappointment.And worse of all, the cult of extreme productivity has robbed us of the ability of enjoying our own company.Astudyconducted at the University of Virginia, discovered that participants would rather subject themselves to electric shocks, than be left alone with their thoughts.Likewise in our everyday lives, we distract ourselves with social media, emails,new goals and ideas, to avoid being alone with our thoughts.The cult of extreme productivity has sold us the lie that boredom should be avoid ed at all costs, and doing nothing at all is an unproductive strategy for lazy people.Yet, it is during moments of solitude that we can discover ingenious solutions to familiar problems and gain clarity to make better decisions.A time to do nothing but be aloneIn his book,Einstein His Life and Universe(audiobook), biographer and historian, Walter Isaacson shares Einsteins thoughts on the need for solitudeI am truly a lone traveler and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart in the face of all these ties, I have never lost a sense of distance and a need for solitude.From his youth, Einstein had a habit of spending a lot of time away from his friends, family and work, to do nothing but think.He would regularly go for long walks, wander off to quiet cabins in the mountains, play his violin, or sail in the seas with his wooden boat to find serenity.It was during these moments of solitude that Einstein would discoveringenio us solutions to difficult problemsHe would often play his violin in his kitchen late at night, improvising melodies while he pondered complicated problems. Then, suddenly in the middle of playing, he would announce excitedly, Ive got itIronically, Einstein often lamented about the distractions of communication devices his discoveries later created.In a letter to his friend, he wrote, How conducive to thinking and working the long sea voyage is- a paradisaical state without correspondence, visits, meetings, and other inventions of the devil 5If Einstein were alive today, hed be labelled a loner in need of more social time. But, without his solitude hed never have achieved an extraordinary level of success in his lifetime.Coincidentally, throughout history, theres a theme of great thinkers- leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, religious figures, artists- who regularly sought solitude to rejuvenate and refine their thoughts Leonardo Da Vinci, Martin Luther King, Nietzsche, Jesu s Christ, Nikola Tesla and Ernest Hemingway, to anthroponym a few.Likewise, practicing solitude would help to improve our productivity, creativity and decision-making in everyday life.For example, I take daily walks in a quiet park, travel without my headphones, and spend a few days in the woods once every couple of months.And I can say without a shadow of doubt, that my breakthrough ideas and clarity on crucial life decisions, have shown up during these moments of solitude.Simply block out a few minutes each day to be alone and do nothing at all.By doing so, youll tap into your inner genius and uncover the most effective ways to take action.Embrace solitudeWriting, at its best, is a lonely life.- Ernest HemingwayIn our pursuit of getting more things done, weve lost sight of the true meaning of productivity.Productivity isnt about getting more things done, rather its about getting the right things done, while doing less.The best way to figure out the right things to focus on and th e best ways to tackle them, is to spend more time alone with your thoughts and embrace solitude.And just like Einstein, youll achieve much more and unleash your potential.Mayo Oshin writes at MayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus, join his free weekly newsletter.A version of this article originally appeared at mayooshin.com as Einstein on the Only Productivity Tip Youll Ever Need to Know.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong peopleEinstein on the only productivity tip youll ever need to knowIn 1902, a young, depressed and solemn, 21-year-old, Albert Einstein, was on the verge of giving up on his dream of becoming a physicist.Six years prior, Einstein had enrolled in a Mathematics and Physics teaching diploma at the Swiss Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, Switzerland where he frequently skipped classes and spent his spare time wooing girls, whilst playing his violin at ladies luncheons and cocktail parties.As a result of his devil-may-care attitude, Einsteins professors cast him aside as a lazy student destined for a mediocre career in Physics.And after graduating, Einstein couldnt get a job - in fact, he was passed over a job role as a lab assistant, and even contemplated selling insurance. 1After two frustrating years of job hunting, Einstein moved to Bryne, the capital of Switzerland, to work as a clerk in the Swiss patent office.Working six days a week as a patent clerk, Einstein could barely find any time to develop hi s scientific ideas, and would eventually give up on a career in Physics.Or would he?In March 1905, Einstein submitted a paper that challenged the general consensus that light was a wave, and instead proposed that it was a particle.Two months later in May 1905, Einstein submitted a second paper. This time he challenged widely held beliefs that atoms didnt exist, and provided proofs of their existence.But Einstein wasnt done yet.In June 1905, Einstein submitted a third paper - the granddaddy of them all.Einstein proposed the idea that time and space were the same, and formalized his thoughts as the special theory of relativity.Then, in September 1905, Einstein published a fourth paper as a follow-up to the previous one.He suggested that mass and energy were equivalent, and derived the most famous equation in the history of mankind E=MC2.In the years to come, these four papers - produced during Einsteins Miracle Year - would radically transform the way humans understand the world.An d by the end of his career, Einstein would publish over 300 scientific papers, receive a Nobel Prize in Physics and firmly establish himself as one of the greatest physicists of all time.So, heres a puzzling questionHow is it possible that this failed scientist and unknown 26-year-old clerk destined for a mediocre life, could suddenly produce four groundbreaking papers within the span of a year, that would change the course of history?And whats the most important lesson on productivity and success, we can learn from Einstein?A young Albert Einstein working as a clerk in Bern, Switzerland, 1905. Photo by Lucien Chavan, public domain.The cult of extreme productivityIf youre lonely when youre alone, youre in bad company. ?Jean-Paul SartreWe live in a world that rewards busyness andthe idea of getting things done an addictive rat race to cross off as many things from your to-do list, as fast as possible.Because of this viral hype, we bury ourselves in busyness and attempt to achieve muc h more than were capable of.Each day, we create unrealistic expectations torespond to every single emailin our inbox, spend quality time with our family and friends, exercise, read a book, sleep by 10 a.m. and so on.But, these superhuman attempts to get so much done and the constant bombardment of new productivity tips, hacks and gadgets, leads toprocrastination, stress, burnout and disappointment.And worse of all, the cult of extreme productivity has robbed us of the ability of enjoying our own company.Astudyconducted at the University of Virginia, discovered that participants would rather subject themselves to electric shocks, than be left alone with their thoughts. 2Likewise in our everyday lives, we distract ourselves with social media, emails,new goals and ideas, to avoid being alone with our thoughts.The cult of extreme productivity has sold us the lie that boredom should be avoided at all costs, and doing nothing at all is an unproductive strategy for lazy people.Yet, it is d uring moments of solitude that we can discover ingenious solutions to familiar problems and gain clarity to make better decisions.A time to do nothing but be aloneIn his book,Einstein His Life and Universe(audiobook), biographer and historian, Walter Isaacson shares Einsteins thoughts on the need for solitudeI am truly a lone traveler and have never belonged to my country, my home, my friends, or even my immediate family, with my whole heart in the face of all these ties, I have never lost a sense of distance and a need for solitude. 3From his youth, Einstein had a habit of spending a lot of time away from his friends, family and work, to do nothing but think.He would regularly go for long walks, wander off to quiet cabins in the mountains, play his violin, or sail in the seas with his wooden boat to find serenity.It was during these moments of solitude that Einstein would discoveringenious solutions to difficult problemsHe would often play his violin in his kitchen late at night, i mprovising melodies while he pondered complicated problems. Then, suddenly in the middle of playing, he would announce excitedly, Ive got it 4Ironically, Einstein often lamented about the distractions of communication devices his discoveries later created.In a letter to his friend, he wrote, How conducive to thinking and working the long sea voyage is- a paradisaical state without correspondence, visits, meetings, and other inventions of the devil 5If Einstein were alive today, hed be labeled a loner in need of more social time. But, without his solitude hed never have achieved an extraordinary level of success in his lifetime.Coincidentally, throughout history, theres a theme of great thinkers- leaders, scientists, entrepreneurs, writers, religious figures, artists- who regularly sought solitude to rejuvenate and refine their thoughts Leonardo Da Vinci, Martin Luther King, Nietzsche, Jesus Christ, Nikola Tesla and Ernest Hemingway, to name a few.Likewise, practicing solitude would help to improve our productivity, creativity and decision-making in everyday life.For example, I take daily walks in a quiet park, travel without my headphones, and spend a few days in the woods once every couple of months.And I can say without a shadow of doubt, that my breakthrough ideas and clarity on crucial life decisions, have shown up during these moments of solitude.Simply block out a few minutes each day to be alone and do nothing at all.By doing so, youll tap into your inner genius and uncover the most effective ways to take action.Embrace solitudeWriting, at its best, is a lonely life. - Ernest HemingwayIn our pursuit of getting more things done, weve lost sight of the true meaning of productivity.Productivity isnt about getting more things done, rather its about getting the right things done, while doing less.The best way to figure out the right things to focus on and the best ways to tackle them, is to spend more time alone with your thoughts and embrace solitude.And ju st like Einstein, youll achieve much more and unleash your potential.Mayo Oshin writes atMayoOshin.Com, where he shares the best practical ideas based on proven science and the habits of highly successful people for stress-free productivity and improved mental performance. To get these strategies to stop procrastinating, get more things by doing less and improve your focus,join his free weekly newsletter.A version of thisarticleoriginally appeared atmayooshin.comasThe Physics of Failure Why We Fail In Life and Work (and What to Do About It).FootnotesMichio Kaku, Physics of the Impossible (2008).Wilson et al (2014).Just think The challenges of the disengaged mind.Science (New York, N.Y.). 345. 75-7. 10.1126/science.1250830.Walter Isaacson, Einstein His Life and Universe (2007)4. Johanna Fantova, Journal of conversations with Einstein, Jan. 23, 1954, in Calaprice, 354.5. The Travel Diaries of Albert Einstein The Far East, Palestine, and Spain, 1922 19236. The period in which Einstein produced the groundbreaking papers is referred to as Einsteins miracle year. To put this in context, over the lifetime of a physicists career, publishing any two of Einsteins groundbreaking papers would have been an outstanding career, let alone producing four of them within the time period of a yearBy the age of 12 years old, Einstein also independently discovered his own original proof of the Pythagorean theorem, and by the age of 15 years old, he had mastered calculus on his own.

Monday, December 16, 2019

How older professionals can adapt to casual young startups

How older professionals can adapt to casual young startupsHow older professionals can adapt to casual young startupsOn the TV showYounger, 40-something year old single mom Liza. realizes that relaunching her career will probably be tough, so she assumes the parta of a 26-year-old - and everyone falls for it.In real life though, a lot of career advice seems geared to millennials but elend their slightly older counterparts who have to adapt to them, in their 30s, 40s, 50s and beyond. It can be tough trying to figure out how to navigate what can often feel like an alien terrain for those of us used to mora traditional work environments. If youve suddenly found yourself in a younger, mora informal office setting like a startup, but you grew up in companies with formal procedures, you can feel a bit at sea. You may be wondering how to adapt without sticking out. Then again, maybe you dont want to adapt, but you just want to figure out if its okay to stick out and do your own thing. And w hile youre at it, what do you do if youre used to a traditional level of professionalism when everyone else shouts out their needs, considers hoodies appropriate work attire or cant fathom the concept of workplace hierarchies? And more than that, how can you get by if thats never been your own work experience? We asked Ken Druck, Ph.D., a mental health expert in aging and resilience, whose newest book Courageous Aging will be out this fall, for advice on tackling some of these issues. Dr. Druck works with leaders in both business and government and has created training programs includingMinding Your Business Culture and Reimagining Your Best Possible Future Courageous Aging.Heres what he advises older employees just trying to figure out how to work with younger colleagues.1. Take a Deep Breath Humans are gregarious, and not fitting in is an extremely stressful human experience. That can lead to intense emotions. Dr. Druck believes Everything good begins with a deep breath. He says t hat if you find yourself in a horribly challenging situation at work where its gotten to the point that you want to scream, choke somebody and throw them to the ground, quit, blare out WTF or voice some such other expression of utter frustration, disbelief, disappointment, amazement or offense, it might be wise to step back, take a deep breath, soften your reaction and think about what response is most likely to get you the result you want.Advice Take a beat before reacting to a younger coworkers behavior, whether its a familiar attitude or a refusal to listen to instructions. Youll probably have a better result if youre calm enough to present the best possible solution.2. Use Your Strengths Rather than trying to change, or passively/aggressively resisting change, Dr. Druck advises trying to find a way to gently and respectfully contribute (a la Robert De Niro in The Intern) some of the ideas, ways of communicating and doing business that you believe will strengthen the company. And you dont have to be in a hurry to make those changes. Go slow and make your case but stay open to the possibility your ideas will not be adopted. And if that happens, make like a Disney princess and just let it go.Advice Subtlety can count for a lot. Instead of pouting or protesting until you get your own way - or believing direct orders work any more - try to find more nuanced ways to get people to come around to your way of doing things. And if you fail? Choose your battles. Youll probably win the next one. 3. Be Open Minded While youre at it, Dr. Druck says its important to weed out old-fashioned notions, judgements andopinionsof how people SHOULD show respect, dress or behave, that do not, in reality, have any substance or proven value when it comes to serving the (internal or external) customer or improving performance. In other words, just because you think its the only way things should be done, doesnt mean its the best way of getting things done. You dont want to be the p erson insisting on a horse-and-buggy method when everyone else is looking at the Elon Musk high-speed train alternative. Consider that you may be wrong.Advice Be flexible. Rigidity is not how things work any more. Just because youve been doing something the same way for a decade or more doesnt mean its the only way to do it, much less the best way. Try to be open to evolving ideals, especially in the workplace. 4. Leave Room to Grow So, what happens if youve encountered a brave new work world? How about this Why not embrace it instead of resisting it?Dr. Druck says You have a choice to either resist change or embrace the opportunity to experience things in a new and different way - and possibly grow. And sometimes your personality could be getting in the way as well. If youre the kind of person who is too tightly wound, you might want to lighten up a bit, keep an open mind and stay humble. If, on the other hand, youre wound too loosely, you might want to make sure that you assert y ourself and communicate your needs to your boss, supervisor and co-workers. But dont overdo it, since he also says that over-adapting to a situation thats not going to be good for you in the long-run is never a good idea.Advice Sometimes a challenge that seems annoying can provide you with the impetus to change parts of your professional self that seemed stagnant. Not always, but every once in a while, you can learn from even the most annoying situation.5. Test the Waters Before you go full steam ahead and try to change everyone and everything around you, test things out. Theres nothing wrong with putting your toe in the water to see what its like according to Dr. Druck. Caution can be a good thing and easing your way into unfamiliarterritory allows for adjustments. But sometimes its best to just get in the swimming-pool and find out you can swim (even with the sharks). Either way, take time to reassure yourself that youre going to be OK. And if youre still nervous, allow me to reas sure you. I believe that the fact that youre trying to figure all this out means youll also figure out a way to make positive changes if needed in your workplace.Advice Even if you feel frustrated beyond measure, sometimes rushing into making changes or criticizing others can lead to a monumental blow-up instead of things peacefully ending your way. Try something and then try something else. Keep going until you find the formula that works for both you and your co-workers.6. Accept the Differences And in case youre wondering, due to the prevalence of telecommuting/text speak and the technologically evolved work space, work really is completely different for this generation than the ones that came before. Dr. Druck says There are significant differences between generations of workers, although some of us seem to have adapted more easily to using new technology than others. Along with the technology comes the evolved methods of interaction and ways to make things better on a grand sca le. Dr. Druck finishes by saying As with all turning all differences into opportunities, finding common ground with co-workers is often the best way to discovering how to turn our differences into complementary and collaborative opportunities thatimprove performance, produce quality and customer service.Advice for the ages Unless youre the exact same age from the exact same socioeconomic background and geography, chances are excellent that you and your co-workers have different technological skill sets. So what? We can all learn from each other and if it doesnt work for you, feel free to discard it from your professional repertoire.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Siegfried Marcus

Siegfried Marcus Siegfried Marcus Siegfried MarcusWho really invented the first automobile? It all depends on how you define words like automobile, first, and invent. But if the question is, who was the first to gear a combustion engine to a set of four wheels to make it go, the answer must be Austrian inventor Siegfried Marcus.Marcus finished his first car sometime between 1864 and 1870 some 15 years before the better-remembered efforts of Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler. His primordial design lacked numerous now-standard features such as brakes, steering, and seats, to name a few. But what it did have an internal combustion engine, a carburetor and four wheels would provide the basic DNA of gasoline-powered automobiles for the next 140 years and counting.Marcus made his mark as an inventor of electrical systems, telegraph equipment, and scientific instruments. Born in Germany in 1831, he was already working toward an engineering career by age 12. A machine-shop apprenticeship pav ed the way to a position in the telegraph industry, and his ideas for improved telegraphic relay systems earned wide international acclaim. He was also known for inventing the familiar T-handled plunger apparatus used to detonate explosives in mining and other applications. These breakthroughs gave him the financial wherewithal to build his own research laboratory in the 1860s.Self-propelled transportation was an intellectual rather than commercial enterprise for Marcus. He pursued his many areas of technological interest, including the use of liquid fuels for lighting applications. When he realized the explosive force that occurred when he used sparks to ignite an atomized petroleum-and-air mixture, he quickly realized the potential to harness that power to do work. His two-cycle internal combustion engine was born.Siegfried Marcus finished his first car some 15 years before the better-remembered efforts of Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler.Most inventors working on alternative engine designs and fuel sources in those days were focused on big established markets for steam power such as boat motors, pumps, factory machinery, and so forth. But Marcus took note of early steam cars and saw an opportunity for his engine. For his first attempt, he mounted the motor on a four-wheeled cart and connected it to the two back wheels. It had the ultimate manual transmission literally a hefty helper who lifted the back end up to hand-start the car by spinning a rear wheel. When ready to roll, the assistant lowered the car and off it went for a history-making 500 feet.Marcus would spend the next decade or more tinkering with his engine in his spare time. During this period he patented his ideas for a magneto ignition system, a rheostat, and other inventions. Marcuss next car, debuting in about 1888, was a quantum improvement over his first crude effort.Revolutionary features included a four-cycle, gasoline-powered engine, Marcuss novel carburetor design, and his magneto igni tion. The car was said to reach a top speed of 10 mph.His later models were refined with steering, brakes, a clutch, and other features that simply hadnt been conceived of when Marcus first hitched his engine to a buggy. None of these later models mucksmuschenstill exists, but his landmark second car survives today and is owned by the Austrian Automobile Club the oldest gasoline-powered internal combustion car on the planet, as far as anyone knows.Marcus died in 1898. During his lifetime, he was widely considered (and formally honored as) the originator of the motorcar. But his place in history was all but erased during the German annexation of Austria in 1938. Because Marcus was a Jew, the Nazi propaganda office ordered his work to be destroyed, his name expunged from future textbooks, and his public memorials removed.They largely succeeded in writing him out of history. Exact dates for his key innovations are still difficult to nail down. But there is no obfuscating the fact that this ahead-of-his-time engineer and inventor built four progressively sophisticated combustion-engine cars over a 10-to-15-year span, and many of his inventions have found their way into the cars of today.Michael McRae is an independent writer.During his lifetime, Siegfried Marcus was widely considered the originator of the motorcar. But his place in history was all but erased during the Nazi era because Marcus was a Jew.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Examples of a Resume Game

The Examples of a Resume Game What Examples of a Resume Is - and What it Is Not You may never fail with the standard CV because its the one which most employers expect to see. Search for related job titles to the one which you are applying. Resume Help It is a superb case of a timeless CV that may work whatever position youre applying for. Notice how the example resumes are extremely specific when it has to do with technical skills. You are able to receive a fantastic idea of keywords from the work description. Such keywords may be used in your resume. The string of keywords might appear odd, but nonetheless, it almost guarantees that recruiters who want people with your special skill-set will discover you. A fast search online will display a lot of cover letters for resumes examples. Relying on resumes alone is undoubtedly a huge mistake. They do have value and ideally you will get resumes to go along with your corporate application form. Infographic resumes appear nic e, but you also have to be concerned about applicant tracking system computer software. Infographic-style resumes have gotten popular, and they may be effective when done well. There are multitude of tasks involved with production administration. Write If youre asking for work abroad or a position in a business that is employed on a worldwide degree, you will need to prove that you have what is needed to stay informed about their fast paced work environments. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Unique kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with a lot of the exact same skills. Characteristics of Examples of a Resume Possessing a crystal clear and professional resume is vital in the medical field. Your jobs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be challenging getting it all on paper. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. To offer you a better idea, here are a couple of explanations for why making resume samples readily available on the site are more preferable. You may use the very same graphic on your cover letter to provide your application a polished, pulled-together appearance. Carefully browse through our site and you need to certainly stumble upon something, which ought to suit your wants. You would like to use an example for a guide so you are able to begin writing your own covering letter (also referred to as a motivation letter). Your resume or CV may be among the most important projects you ever design. Again, you would like to make certain that your resume is readable. Sometimes you must do what you could to get noticed. Speaking of unique, the main aim of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for equal job and an other means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). When youre off to begin work hunt, you will want a readily available resume. Each time you apply to get a new job, check your resume to guarantee that it is not only targeted, but in addition current. Every time you submit an application for a job working with an inadequate resume is a possible job lost. There are two types of font. For everybody with a simple word processing program, its simple to see there are dozens and dozens of fonts out there to select from and picking the most suitable one can be hard. If you are attempting to use a modified block format and youve never done so in your life, it is most likely best to use a complete block format. A template is always helpful to get started as it may give you all of the important details of what to include. The Dos and Donts of Examples of a Resume Identify the sort of impression you wish to create by evaluating the co ntent of the work ad carefully. Hunting for a job isnt simple, but getting the perfect tools can make things a good deal simpler. Furthermore, you may wind up in work that you cant do. Choose a resume template which suits the essence of the job that you are wanting to apply to and build upon it to create a winning resume that you are able to trust. In the event the client wants a folks will remember, I give them one people wont ever forget. For instance, showing that you are conversant with the corporate culture, youre adaptable to different work settings, youre responsible and respectful to people coming from diverse backgrounds can enhance your odds of finding the job. Most individuals look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. If you plan to pursue a career for a Production Manager you have arrived at the proper spot. Focus the majority of your resume on the outcomes you accomplished, not the typical duties of your work. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can manage that. Also show youre a well-rounded worker.

Monday, December 2, 2019

What a Candidates Video Interview Attire Says About Them - Spark Hire

What a Candidates Video Interview Attire Says About Them - Spark HireA job candidates bewerbungsinterview attire can reveal a lot about their professional judgment. However, do the same rules apply to job seekers who do video interviews? Video interview candidates may have some extra things to worry about when it comes to choosing good interview attire. Clothing color and appearance can come across differently on camera. Additionally, one could argueand Im going tothat the setting that a candidate chooses for his/her video interview is parte of the interview attire. Here are some new things to keep in mind when judging a candidate on his/her appearance during video interviews.Tips for video interview attire can be found all over the internet. This is good, because the rules may not be intuitive for many job seekers. For example, job seekers in a video interview should take care not to clash with, or match, the background of their video. Job seekers should also avoid very bright color s and busy patterns, as they might not translate well on camera. This is a challenge that has not traditionally been dealt with by job seekers. Many may not think to take behauptung details into account. As a manager, you can choose how harshly to judge a candidate based on their adherence to video interview attire tips. If you do choose to be a harsh critic, make koranvers you are also representing your company in the best way during the interview. On the positive side, you also have a great chance to reward a candidate for orchestrating these details appropriately. A candidate who coordinates their blue shirt with the brown wall behind them clearly has a great affinity for detail, and has done his/her homework (or is unusually lucky, which is not an altogether bad employee trait either).The background of a video interview also deserves attention from hiring managers. A candidates interview background and setup islike clothingpart of the candidates presentation that he/she can cont rol. Any aspect of the interview that the candidate can control can be used as a means of evaluating the candidate. The best background is a neutral-colored wall, with minimum visible clutter. The video interview should also be free of background noise, movement, and interruption. It should be apparent that the candidate has prepared a specific place in which to participate in the interview.Insofar as you want to judge based on appearance, also feel free to take lighting into account. Like clothing color, that detail might not have a big impact in your decision. If you do recognize the effort though, give credit where credit is due.Finally, be sure to subtract a million points if the camera angle accidentally reveals that they arent wearing pants.How do you judge video interview attire for job seekers? Leave a comment below, or send me a tweet ithinkther4iambIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by Faramarz Hashemi